Importance of Lead Nurturing

2 min readNov 9, 2020

Importance of Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing is your opportunity to provide value to your leads and customers and help them grow with your business. As a sales professional, you might ask yourself, “How do I connect with my prospects and turn them into customers in the most helpful way?”

Lead nurturing is the answer. It is the process of building relationships with your prospects with the goal of earning their business when they’re ready. In practice, lead nurturing is a marketing effort focused on engaging with your leads and customers in a way that encourages them to progress toward a specific action.

The big question you need to answer is what makes lead nurturing so important to your success with inbound marketing? It’s important to know where your lead nurturing efforts fit into the inbound methodology. How are you going to use lead nurturing to achieve your goals? When we look at the four stages of the inbound methodology — attract, convert, close, and delight — lead nurturing lives primarily in the close stage.

Successful lead nurturing helps you focus on providing value to your leads by offering them the information they need at the right time. Each lead you have in your database should be nurtured according to their interests and life cycle stages. Pages they’ve visited and content they’ve consumed all indicate shifting interests.

Good nurturing helps you keep up the conversation with your contacts. And this helps you continue to connect after they become customers and could be looking for more information from you and your company. BPM Consulting This is where you see success with lead nurturing. It’s the best of both worlds — growth for your leads and growth for you.




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