Why does your neighborhood supermarket stock this one particular brand of shampoo? Who determines how you get in touch with the big organizations and its managers for customer service? These small decisions are a part of an entire ecosystem called robotic process automation, that is now making its presence felt in diverse fields like customer satisfaction, manufacturing and even warehousing.
Robotic process automation is getting ready for the next revolution in business. If I look at the BPO industry you know 20 years ago 90% of the work done in the BPO industry was digitization and data entry nobody does data entry now. You have relevant tools in which the document comes in, gets scanned and the paper work got reduced by 90%.
Automation is going to be actually a facilitator in expansion of the industry. From the enterprise point of view the first thing that comes to people’s mind is cost. If I can do something with 50 people that I did with hundred people my cost is lower so that is an obvious benefit but the other true benefits are turnaround time and quality. You’ve got a process robot that does something as efficiently as a human.
Even in those scenarios the process robots work 24/7 the person works eight hours a day five days a week so the productivity goes up which really means that the turnaround time for transactions come down at a service level.
Compliance has become better and the other is quality because once you streamlined an automated process you really operate at a hundred percent quality rate, so quality and turnaround are two of the biggest benefits.
A lot of people have this concept that automation comes in and the human being goes away. Automation is part of our world, we expected it and we’re delighted when it happens it makes doing everyday things easier.
Information technology has been automated over the years for example information is now backed up in the cloud instead of having to transfer files to a thumb drive but robotic process automation or RPA promises to have the biggest impact on business since the internet. RPA software agents improve productivity by increasing the speed and accuracy of business processes.
It’s all about process engineering in the future and when we engage with our clients, we look at that end-to-end business process. We look at what are the objectives of that business process and then accordingly suggest the automation scope backed up by ROI.